First, quick update.
1. Graduated college!
2. Quit my student job.
3. Moved from Portland, OR to the Austin, TX area (Round Rock, any polish addicts in my area?!).
And this massive moved required me to liquidate 2/3 of my collection. *tear* I mostly purged lower end/cheaper polishes and ones that just didn't wow me. But there were some tough choices made. Now my mental inventory of my stash is so out of whack! I will need to re-inventory my collection. I also need to find a new way to store and organize them. My SO says hes going to build me a nice custom rack but I'll believe when I see it. :)
Am I going to get back to blogging?
Yes. But I can't seem to find my camera after the move. I swear I saw it when I first was unpacking. And I want to figure out a new system of lighting for the pictures. In time, my friends. So I guess the answer is yes BUT I'll need to slowly get things figured out.
Also, I am on a mad raging path for GLITTER polishes lately. I have a love/hate relationship with them, I admit. And I am restarting my polish lemming list. On the top is the top coat from Nubar called Moon Drops. Omg WANT! My tax return couldn't come at a better time (or worse from a different perspective!).
I hope to get caught up with all the blogs I follow shortly! :)
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